My Name is W Kevn Horton, and I am the Founder of “The No I Project”.

The “No I Project” builds what I call Homeless comfort bags. The bags consist of a nylon waterproof backpack with cloths items, such as Socks, Underwear, T-shirts, gloves, a beanie hat, rain cover, emergency blanket, along with health items, such as Band-aids, wound care, shampoo, conditioner, body lotion, wet wipes, chap-stick, deodorant, body soap, toothbrush & paste, wash cloth. Along with other items like granola bars, fruit roll-ups, candy pks. Water, etc. Along with a copy of the New Testament. I have hopes to add wool blankets to the list. 

After building the bags, I would hand them out to the folks on the street, As I go about my daily work. I speak to the folks as long as they are willing and try to pray with them, also if they are willing.

All in the hopes of giving just a little bit of Hope & comfort to those with so little. 

As I have been mostly self-funding the Project with money I had saved. Along with donations from family and friends.

I started out small by going to places like the Dollar tree and buying mostly personal items, snacks and other items (approximately 10-12 items per bag) that I thought would be of some help. I put them in reusable Ziploc bags. And hand them out.

 Thinking this was not enough I then started doing research, speaking with shelters, helping out with rehabs to find out what the needs were by homeless folks. 

I then started buying in bulk where possible to be able to get more items in the bags for about the same cost.

I started out with 10 to 12 items per bag and Now every Bag has between 27 than 30 items.  Originally the cost per bag was approx. $12 – $14.00 and now they are approx. $13 to $15.00 with twice as many items per bag. (And growing).

 I still put items in a large 1 gal. reusable Ziplock and then I now put all Items into a waterproof Backpack.

I work with a few great organizations in my hometown of Tehachapi, Ca. One Called Cornerstone Center for Counseling and Discipleship in association with City Serve for some donations.

I also work with a men’s discipleship group called, “The Influencers “ for help passing out bags. Last year Alone, with their help we passed out over 100 bags to men willing to pass along the bags to homeless folks in their daily travels. 

Each year in September the Tehachapi Influencers Groups host what is called the M24, which is a men’s retreat that brings together up to 1000 men for a weekend of Testimony, parse, and fellowship. 

My Goal this year is to have the Men in the Influencers, at this event take and pass out 1000 bags, I am sure with Gods help and your donation this can be done.